




1. SSL Labs

SSL Labs by Qualys is one of the most popular SSL testing tools to check all latest vulnerability & misconfiguration. Ex:

SSL Labs為目前最常被使用用來檢測SSL憑證的網站之一

2. SSL Checker

SSL Checker let you quickly identify if a chain certificate is implemented correctly. Great idea to proactively test after SSL cert implementation to ensure chain certificate is not broken.

SSL Checker可以快速確認Chain Certificate是否安裝正確

3. Geekflare


TLS Test – quickly find out which TLS protocol version is supported. As you can see, the tool is capable of testing the latest TLS 1.3 as well.

TLS Test是用來檢測TLS protocol是否太舊或不安全的用的

TLS Scanner – detailed testing to find out the common misconfiguration and vulnerabilities.

TLS Scanner則可以詳細檢測常見的設定錯誤或是漏洞是否存在


4. Wormly

Web Server Tester by Wormly check for more than 65 metrics and give you a status of each including overall scores. The report contains certificate overview (CN, Expiry details, Trust chain), Encryption Ciphers details, Public key size, Secure Renegotiation, Protocols like SSLv3/v2, TLSv1/1.2.


5. DigiCert

DigiCert SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool is another fantastic tool to provide you DNS resolves IP address, Certificate details including Issuer, Serial number, key length, signature algorithm, SSL cipher supported by the server and expiry details.

DigiCert可以提供DNS IP解析,還包含憑證發行者,金鑰,簽章等


6. SSL Server Security Test

Useful tool by High-Tech Bridge to perform scan against your https URL and provide in-depth technical information with an option to download the report in PDF format.

SSL Server Security Test讓您可以下載檢測報告,仔細檢測哪裡是否需要改善

7. Observatory

Observatory by Mozilla checks various metrics like TLS cipher details, certificate details, OWASP recommended secure headers, and more.


8. CryptCheck

CryptCheck quickly scans the given site and show score for protocol, key exchange, and cipher. You get detailed cipher suites details so can be handy if you are troubleshooting or validating ciphers.


資料參考來源: https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/#SSL-Server-Security-Test

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